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Privacy statement

Our practice processes personal and medical data. We would like to provide you with clear and transparent information about this. In this privacy statement, we answer the most important questions about the processing of personal data and medical
data. We use certain terms in this privacy notice. Below you can read what we mean by some of these terms:

Personal data: data that directly or indirectly say something about you, e.g. your name and address, as well as your e-mail address.
Medical records: information relating, directly or indirectly, to the health or physical and/or mental condition of a traceable patient and data concerning a patient recorded in a doctor's file.
Processing: the collection, storage and deletion of personal and medical data from our systems.

From whom do we process personal and medical data ?
Of people being or having been treated by us and working for us.

Who processes personal and medical data?
Staff at our practice process your personal and medical data. In addition, our billing partner processes personal data. See also section 8 of this statement for this purpose.

For what purpose do we process personal data?
We process personal data for the following purposes:

  • To establish a relationship with you
    If you want to become a patient with us, we need personal data. For example, your phone number and e-mail address to inform you in case of any waiting lists.
  • To maintain the relationship with you
    If you are a patient with us, we want to serve you well. To do this, we process personal data. We use your name, address and e-mail address, for example, to keep in touch with you.
  • For promotional and marketing purposes
    We may process your personal data for promotional or marketing purposes. For example, to inform you about developments in our practice that may be of interest to you or to better meet your needs. For example
    our newsletter.
  • To fulfil legal obligations
    We must collect data about you based on certain (international) laws and regulations, e.g. for administration, patient records and the corresponding retention obligation thereof.
  • For archive purposes
    We do not collect more personal data than necessary for the above purposes. If we do not retain the data for those purposes, we may still retain the data for archival purposes. That is, the data will be used only for statistical purposes

For what purpose do we process medical data?
We process medical data for the following purposes:

  • For treatment to be targeted and effective
    We collect and register medical data in response to your request for help, medical background, examination and course of treatment in your patient file. This is in accordance with the Medical Treatment Agreement Act.
  • To improve our quality of action
    We collect medical data to improve our quality of practice through peer review.
  • To be accountable to you as a patient and/or your representative and IGJ
    We collect medical data making our actions transparent and understandable, to demonstrate why we treated and to reflect the outcome of treatment.

Passing on to third parties
We will never disclose collected personal and medical data to third parties, except with your explicit consent. For example, to specialists to whom we refer patients.

Retention period
Personal and medical data will not be kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and processed. The retention period for administrative personal data is currently 7 years. The retention period for medical data is currently 15 years.

Would you like to inspect the processing of your personal and/or medical data?
You can request an overview of the personal and medical data processed about you from us. Do you think your personal data have been processed incorrectly or incompletely, or do you think it is unnecessary for them to have been processed? Then you can request an amendment,
addition or deletion to us. We will always respond to this. Legal provisions may mean that certain medical data may not be deleted. In this case, only your data relating to your date of birth and your gender will be retained.

How are your personal and medical data protected with us?

  • All our employees have signed a confidentiality agreement (including professional ones) in which they declare not to share your personal or medical data with others without your explicit consent.
  • All parties processing personal data or medical data on our behalf have provided us with a declaration showing that processing is carried out according to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). A so-called processing declaration.
  • All collected personal and medical data are digitally stored with us. So-called antivirus software and firewalls protect your data against possible digital crime.
  • Through carefully assigned rights, our employees only have access in our systems to data necessary for their functioning. They can only access the data for which they have rights to view and process by using a unique user name and password.
  • All our computers are set so that displays switch to a "screensaver" after two minutes of inactivity. This prevents data from being unintentionally visible.
  • For digital transmission of personal and medical data, we use a secure e-mail programme, namely: caremail.

After reading this privacy statement, do you still have questions about the processing of your personal and medical data?
If so, please get in touch. Our practice manager will be happy to answer your questions.

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